Who Is Terry Strange?

Terry Strange is a Psychic Adventurer, Ghost-hunter, Spiritual Medium, Eternal Brother Of The Afterlife Fellowship, President Of The Atlantis Reincarnation Guild, Paranormal Detective, Seeker Of The Truth Of Immortal Science, Bringer Of Universal Love, tarot (Terrot), crystals, dreams, empathy and reiki ...and so much more!

Monday, 9 July 2012

Michael Jackson's New Album "Afterlife" Revealed by Celebrity Psychic Terry Strange

Brenda Phillips, manager and partner of Terry Strange, voted 18th most popular celebrity Psychic by the UK's Take A Break magazine* is honoured to confirm that late superstar Michael Jackson is close to completing his new album "Afterlife"

Boasting a line-up which includes Jimi Hendrix on guitar, Keith Moon on drums, Roman centurion Pontifus Maximus on harp and Donna Summer on backing vocals "Afterlife" should prove to be a real "Thriller" according to Terry!

Over to Terry:
"Some skeptics have questioned my relationship with the late Michael Jackson but he is a dear friend. If it hadn't been for me my Spirit Guide Garry has confirmed that Michael would have puked ectoplasm all over Derek Acorah rather than answer questions on his TV Seance which was voted the Worst Program on TV in 2009, unfairly in my opinion. Michael has such a big heart and so much love to give that he truly wants his fans to keep hearing his music even though his body and vocal chords are no longer with us in the 'real world'. Mikey has put together a brilliant band of the undead to accompany him and he says the Roman Centurion Pontifus Maximus is a real find, even though he has been dead for nearly 2000 years! Mikey just wishes that Phil Collins was dead so he could play drums for him! Apparently Keith Moon is so loud on drums that Jesus Himself had to ask them to turn the noise down at rehearsals!"

Terry explains how fans can hear the new album:
"As Michael is a ghost it is quite a challenge to get the album recorded. I tried leaving a tape recording overnight in a quiet cellar while Mikey and his band played but even after playing the tape, rewinding it, changing the volume, playing it backwards etc. for about 2 weeks there was nothing on there you could call, well, anything resembling music really. Mikey and I were very disappointed. I felt the warm feeling as Mikey entered my psychic aurra (meaning he had made contact) and only caught a sad, forlorn "Eeeee-heeeee" to know how upset Mikey was.
So, what we have agreed is for the small sum of £100 (or $175) fans can email me to set up a meeting. During the meeting (or phone call) Michael will possess me and I will sing the whole new album to them, possessed by the spirit of Michael Jackson. I am astonished how similar my voice has become compared to Michael's now he has passed on. He really does sound like a 50 year old man from Liverpool! It is uncanny! So all you Strangies or MJ fans - GET IN TOUCH!'

Terry confirms the tracklisting:

1. Don't Stop Til You're Dead Enough
Michael's little joke - a haunting ballad
2. Flake Advert
Michael's cover version of that song with the gorilla playing the drums**
3. Blame It On Bubbles
A humourous song about Michael being unable to find his trousers when entertaining a group of teenage boys at Graceland, then finding out his cheeky chimp has hidden them!
4. Save The Earth Song (Make It A Better Place)
Michael says he's not that bothered about Earth now he's dead after all
5. Strange Song
Michael felt I needed my own song after all the help I've given him since he died - really touching this one
6. Wanna Be Thrilling And Rocking With You Billy Jean
A party starter medley for the Michael Jackson fans out there!

So there you have it!!

Terry's STRANGIE update

Many fans of Terry Strange have started to call themselves 'Strangies' and are wearing home-made T-shirts with slogans such as 'I'm Very Terry' or 'I'm In Psychic Range Of Terry Strange' - while Terry loves your devotion, gifts and money (mostly money) he would like to confirm the name Terry Strange is copyrighted. He has also issued 'takedown notices' to Youtube and to a number of Fansites regarding his images, live recordings of his seances and those people manufacturing and selling bootleg Terry Strange badges, scarves, CDs and DVDs on Ebay.

Terry's Price List Update

Please contact Terry directly by email for prices in sterling, dollars and euros
Terry's current range of services include:

Transcendental Aura Massage


Terrot Card readings
(like traditional Tarot cards but with a 'Terry Twist')

Medium Schooling

Laying On Of Hands

Morphic Field Readings

Terry's Journey Into The Unknown
(annual cruise Liverpool - Gateshead, return included)

NEW Michael Jackson 'Afterlife' album recital!

NEW Healing Hands Of Terry Strange

NEW Terry's Strange Tours Of Liverpool

NEW The Man Who Has Fights With Dead People - Exorcism and Ghost-hunting the Terry Strange Way

*The Take A Break article detailed positions 1-17, Terry has it on good authority from the hack who wrote it that it would've been him at #18, however they had to replace his page with an article about a dog that could juggle
**Terry understands this is called 'In The Air Tonight' by Phil Collins and has since bought the CD, and a four pack of Flakes. The power of advertising!!

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